Sunday, April 2, 2017

TC Lazy Screening: After "Before The Flood"

You are the last best hope of Earth. We ask you to protect it or we, and all living things we cherish, are history. - Leonardo DiCaprio

I finally had the time to watch Before The Flood.

Yeah, I was 160s days late.

Perhaps since it's a documentary (which is not on my first-pick list to spend the time on), I tend to avoid watching it. And not until recently, I find that documentaries are actually interesting.

I'm not going to give you any comprehensive review on the movie or on the theme it has brought. You can find it someplace else from the actual experts on movie-reviewing. In my opinion, it's a great movie, splendid techniques on the productions, and successfully deliver its message on the urgent matter.

Before The Flood shows some astonishing views of the imminent danger that we're currently facing --- the end of the world --- is actually, mostly, sadly, a result of our actions, our wrongdoings. It's because of our extensive usage of fossil fuels over the past decades, our involvement in causing wildfires, our non-stop and increasing demands of cattle's products, and so on.

The movie also shows many initiatives from around the world to prevent it from happening (early). Like creating alternatives renewable resources' plantations, spreading awareness through various media, and also initiating global actions through agreements and laws.

Well, that's it. I encourage you to watch this movie since it's a good one and perhaps you can learn something from it. As a closing statement, whilst I agree that we should save this world, I believe that the end of the world is an inevitable event. I also believe that although we have the right to enjoy the Earth's resources, abusive actions that could lead to destruction is not the right thing to do. Be a cultivator, not a destroyer.

Some links worth a visit:
0. the trailer --> here


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