Thursday, April 13, 2017

TC Lazy Screening: 3 Movies Based On True Stories

It's​ been a while since I had time to watch movies. I used to watch a lot, but due to my commitment, I have managed to tone this addiction down.

Buuuuut, in the span of last week, I unexpectedly, watched so many movies and tv series seasons.

Haha...lots of catching ups to do from those characters.

And between those movies, 3 of them apparently have some truth aspects supporting the stories. I always love to learn from other people's experiences in life (kepo). I hope you are, too.

I really hope..

Pff..Whatevs.. :D

It is not a review about the movies, you can find it elsewhere, and I'll try my best not to put any spoilers in this post. So anyway, here they are *drumrolls :

1. Snowden (2016)

The first movie is Snowden. It was based on the book The Snowden files. Told the story about Edward Snowden (played by Joseph Gordon-Levitt), an NSA contractor who were able to leak various classified documents as a result from its illegal surveillance project. The movie has shown what he needed to do to get to share those information which jeopardized his job, his career, even his life.

2. Joy (2015)

The second is Joy. Its story was loosely based on Joy Mangano biography of how she build her empire from scratch. Joy, in this movie, has to bury her dreams and potentials in early life because of everything that happened around her. But eventually, her eagerness to solve a problem is still strong enough to resurface those potentials and light up her path to her dreams. With a high amount of relentless efforts and hard work she has put, she finally able to do the one thing she loves. Innovating.

3. War Dogs (2016)

The last one and the most interesting among the list. It was based on the story of David Packouz and Efraim Diveroli. They were arms dealers who received a $30 Million contract to arm American allies in Afghanistan. The movie showed their struggle to overcome various obstacles to gain trust from the gov. Since it was a comedy-drama movie, lots of the scenes were a bit of a stretch from the truth to make it more aligned to the theme.


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