So this morning, a friend asked how to separate numbers from a string using Javascript. He wants to use car plates as input, for example: "AB1234DCD" and wants the output to be "AB 1234 DCD".
Using split.(/(\d+)/) it will automatically split the string "AB1234DCD" into an array "AB", "1234", "DCD". And after that, you can do anything you want to the array. In the code below, I use join(" ") to append the array and add white space between each element.
After spent some time coding Googling with various possible algorithms keywords, I finally got the answer from..... :D
Using split.(/(\d+)/) it will automatically split the string "AB1234DCD" into an array "AB", "1234", "DCD". And after that, you can do anything you want to the array. In the code below, I use join(" ") to append the array and add white space between each element.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | function SplitPlate() { var plateOld = document.getElementById( 'oldPlate' ).value; arr = plateOld.split(/(\d+)/) plateFinal = arr.join( " " ); //alert(test); var plateNew = document.getElementById( 'newPlate' ); plateNew.innerHTML = plateFinal; } |
function SplitPlate() { var plateOld = document.getElementById('oldPlate').value; arr = plateOld.split(/(\d+)/) plateFinal = arr.join(" "); //alert(test); var plateNew = document.getElementById('newPlate'); plateNew.innerHTML = plateFinal; }