I was caught, simply by its beautifully drawn illustrations, soothing music, and story. On the first visit, user will be provided a tutorial which range from the symbols explanations, game rules, options, etc.
The tutorials can be found as Lessons on the main menu. Along with it, there are Map, and notification of chests you're currently acquiring.
Scroll down some more and you will meet the Guild Master. He's the only one who can open the chests and provides you with some abilities. Perhaps, you're starting to wonder what's the chests I'm talking about.
For each mission, your objective is to collect coins called Insignia which is stored in a chest. These Insignia will allow you to access a castle in order to complete the map.
You will be dealt a thief card, which is you, plus another 8 cards which represent various chances. You can pause or quit anytime you want by clicking the button on the upper right corner and your game will be automatically saved.
Once the all the required cards have been dealt, an escape card will show. You can either collect more diamonds to increase score or escape right away. :)
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